por Irene Compte | Dic 21, 2020 | Artícle
Today’s complexity harbors the potential for unprecedented positive change. In many ways we can transform humanity so that it is ultimately more human. One of these beautiful seeds of change is the global movement towards the energy of the heart. I have been...
por Irene Compte | Abr 21, 2020 | Artícle
Those of you who have been following my articles know that, in 2019, I wrote a lot about compassionate communication. I shared my thoughts on the power of beautiful words, on the healing miracle that is the human voice, on the importance of silence to communicate...
por Irene Compte | Mar 16, 2020 | Artícle
I have just participated in an innovation projects’ evaluation committee, an exercise in which 12 candidate solutions competed to win European funds destined to extend their activity for 1 year. Of the 12, only 5 projects finally had access to money, so I insist: they...