Una invitació a (pre)ocupar-te de com comuniques.

Una invitació a (pre)ocupar-te de com comuniques.

Deixeu-me començar amb la persona que va inspirar aquest article. Raquel Izaguirre, fundadora de LaveuLavoz, ha estat a la meva llista personal de “persones favorites” des que vaig treballar amb ella en la millora de la meva pròpia veu, pels volts de 2009. Ja la...
Una invitació a (pre)ocupar-te de com comuniques.

Inviting you to care about the way you communicate

Let me start with the person who inspired me this text. Raquel Izaguirre, from LaveuLavoz, has been on my personal “favorite people” list ever since I worked with her on my own voice, back in 2009. She appears already in my previous articles, for being a great vocal...
Standing on the shoulders of giants

Standing on the shoulders of giants

What a wonderful English saying to express appreciation for the findings by the ones that preceded us! I learnt of it many years ago, in a speech by my dear colleague Michael Gould. He was sharing the advancements of geoinformation and how we were able to progress...
Standing on the shoulders of giants

Standing on the shoulders of giants

What a wonderful English saying to express appreciation for the findings by the ones that preceded us! I learnt of it many years ago, in a speech by my dear colleague Michael Gould. He was sharing the advancements of geoinformation and how we were able to progress...