por Irene Compte | May 29, 2018 | Artícle
Deixeu-me començar amb la persona que va inspirar aquest article. Raquel Izaguirre, fundadora de LaveuLavoz, ha estat a la meva llista personal de “persones favorites” des que vaig treballar amb ella en la millora de la meva pròpia veu, pels volts de 2009. Ja la...
por Irene Compte | May 29, 2018 | Artícle
Let me start with the person who inspired me this text. Raquel Izaguirre, from LaveuLavoz, has been on my personal “favorite people” list ever since I worked with her on my own voice, back in 2009. She appears already in my previous articles, for being a great vocal...
por Irene Compte | Abr 13, 2018 | Artícle
Ahir vaig assistir a un esdeveniment a Barcelona que suposadament presentava l’últim de la tecnologia blockchain. Organitzat per un equip internacional, va tenir lloc en un espai meravellós de la ciutat i la sala estava plena fins al punt que vam fer cua per...
por Irene Compte | Abr 13, 2018 | Artícle
Yesterday I attended an event in Barcelona supposed to be presenting the latest of the blockchain technology and projects. Organized by an international team, it was held in a wonderful space in the city and the room was packed. Full house to the point we were queuing...
por Irene Compte | Mar 18, 2018 | Artícle
What a wonderful English saying to express appreciation for the findings by the ones that preceded us! I learnt of it many years ago, in a speech by my dear colleague Michael Gould. He was sharing the advancements of geoinformation and how we were able to progress...
por Irene Compte | Mar 18, 2018 | Artícle
What a wonderful English saying to express appreciation for the findings by the ones that preceded us! I learnt of it many years ago, in a speech by my dear colleague Michael Gould. He was sharing the advancements of geoinformation and how we were able to progress...