por Irene Compte | Abr 13, 2018 | Artículo
Ayer asistí a un evento en Barcelona que supuestamente presentaba lo último de la tecnología blockchain. Organizado por un equipo internacional, se celebró en un espacio maravilloso de la ciudad y la sala estaba abarrotada, hasta el punto que hicimos cola para entrar:...
por Irene Compte | Mar 18, 2018 | Artículo
What a wonderful English saying to express appreciation for the findings by the ones that preceded us! I learnt of it many years ago, in a speech by my dear colleague Michael Gould. He was sharing the advancements of geoinformation and how we were able to progress...
por Irene Compte | Ene 15, 2018 | Artículo
T.S. Eliot is back in my life with his beautiful verses: » What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from». Three powerful sentences, taken from his “Little Gidding”, where he unravels the...