
Comunicación humana, consciente y eficaz.
Liderazgo creativo desde tu autenticidad.
Organizaciones fuertes, diversas y sostenibles.


Comunicación humana, consciente y eficaz.
Liderazgo creativo desde tu autenticidad.
Organizaciones fuertes, diversas y sostenibles.

Words that are beautiful as flowers…

We already know that communication is not only about the words we use when speaking or writing. Out voice pitch, our body language, our facial expressions, our look, our general attitude and even our thoughts are also powerful means to communicate with others.

We are constantly communicating, be it with ourselves or with other people. Communicating is, more than anything else, wanting to connect. And the quality of this connection depends much on us, especially when we are the issuer of the message.

Knowing this, I invite you to ask yourselves a question: Do we produce beautiful thoughts, gestures and words when we communicate with the world? Do we really prioritize compassion, active listening or assertiveness when we speak to others? Do we make a greater effort to understand the other person than to prove we are right? Or, on the contrary, do we tend to generate more suffering or violence when we think, talk or write?

My wish for us all in 2019 is that we become more conscious of the way we are communicating with others and with the world.

My wish is that more and more our words can be, at the same time, as beautiful as flowers (assertive, kind, clear, elegant, compassionate) and as accurate as arrows hitting the center of the target (the message will have accomplished its initial goal, be it informing, persuading, seducing, motivating or selling).

Believe me, bringing the two things together is possible and highly recommended. Elegance, generosity, efficiency and efficacy do not need to be separated when we express our messages. It is actually the other way around: when we are aiming at good communication, strategy and beauty must walk together.

The process of better communication is never fast but always pays good and endless rewards. In my experience, this is how it works: we first become aware of what needs to be improved, we learn the improvements, we practice a lot keeping spirits high, we patiently integrate what we learnt and voilà! our communication will be a new one, one more serene and efficient, one bringing great and tangible results to our daily life.

Communicating better, we will connect better. Our message will be more effective in its objective and, even more important, we will be offering our small-great portion of harmony and compassion to the world, something of which the world is clearly in need for. Just as much as we are, too.

And with this wish, Happy New Year and better communication to all in 2019!

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